Thirty Years" War - traduzione in olandese
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Thirty Years" War - traduzione in olandese

Thirty Years War; Thirty Years' War overview; Thirty Years’ War; Thirty Years' War/verbose overview; 30-years' War; Thirty-Years War; Thirty Year War; Thirty years war; Thirty year's war; 30 years war; 30 Years War; Thirty Years' war; 30 Years' War; TYW; Thirty Year's War; 30 Year's War; 30-years War; Thirty Years Wars; Thirty years War; Thirty Years war; Thirty Year's war; Thirty years' war; 30 Year War; The Thirty Years War; Bohemian Period; Swedish Period; Danish Period; Danish period; 30-years’-War; Thirty Years’ war; 30-years'-War; 30-year War; 30-Years War; Thirty Years'War; Thirty-Year War; 30-Year War; Swedish War; Swedish War (1630–1635); Swedish War (1630-1635); The 30 Years War; 30 years' war; Low Saxon War; Kejserkrigen; The Emperor's War; La Guerre De Trente Ans; French intervention in the Thirty Years' War; Dreißigjähriger Krieg; Thirty Years' Wars
  • [[Albrecht von Wallenstein]] achieved great military success for the Empire but his power threatened both Ferdinand and the German princes
  • Siege of Stralsund]], 13 May to 4 August 1628
  • > 66%}}
  • class=noviewer
  • p=250}}
  • Spain]]
  • [[Cardinal Richelieu]], who directed French foreign policy from 1624 until his death in 1642
  • Siege and capture of [[Casale Monferrato]] by French troops, 1630
  • Europe after the Peace of Westphalia, 1648
  • "Winter's King", [[Frederick V of the Palatinate]], whose acceptance of the Bohemian Crown sparked the conflict
  • [[Holy Roman Empire]] after the Peace of Westphalia, 1648
  • [[Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria]] whose seizure of the Palatinate expanded the war
  • The [[Iberian Union]]; Spain's inability to protect Portuguese interests in the 1602 to 1663 [[Dutch–Portuguese War]] was a key factor in the 1640 [[Portuguese Restoration War]]
  • Swedish sovereignty over [[Western Pomerania]] (in blue) was confirmed in 1653
  • The [[Sack of Magdeburg]] in 1631. Of the 25,000 citizens, only 5,000 survived.
  • Contemporary painting showing the [[Battle of White Mountain]] (1620), where Imperial-Spanish forces under [[Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly]] won a decisive victory.
  • Siege of Prague]] in 1648
  • Battle of Breitenfeld]] in 1631.
  • upright=1.8
  • Soldiers plundering a farm
  • class=noviewer
  • Spain]] and the [[Dutch Republic]], 30 January 1648.

October War         
  • Israeli tanks crossing the Suez Canal
  • A map of the fighting on the Golan Heights
  • The 1973 War in the Sinai, October 6–15
  • The 1973 War in the Sinai, October 15–24
  • A 1974 news report about warfare on the Golan prior to the May disengagement accords
  • Egyptian President [[Anwar Sadat]]
  • President [[Hafez al-Assad]] (right) with soldiers, 1973
  • A Syrian oil terminal in [[Baniyas]] after being shelled by Israeli [[Sa'ar 3-class missile boat]]s
  • A diagram of the [[Battle of Latakia]]
  • A diagram of the [[Battle of Baltim]]
  • Egyptian forces crossing the Suez Canal
  •  A Syrian [[BMP-1]] captured by Israeli forces
  • [[Quneitra]] village after Israeli shelling, showing a church and an elevated car
  • A downed Israeli Mirage
  • Egyptian [[Sukhoi Su-7]] fighter jets conducting air strikes over the [[Bar Lev Line]] on October 6
  • Upon learning of the impending attack, [[Prime Minister of Israel]] [[Golda Meir]] made the controversial decision not to launch a pre-emptive strike.
  • Wreckage from an Egyptian [[Sukhoi Su-7]] shot down over the Sinai on October 6, on display at the [[Israeli Air Force Museum]]
  • An Israeli Air Force Mirage IIIC. Flag markings on the nose credit this particular aircraft with 13 aerial kills.
  • Israeli soldiers during the [[Battle of Ismailia]]. One of them has a captured Egyptian [[RPG-7]].
  • Egyptian soldiers gather Israeli soldiers' bodies killed during the Battle of Ismailia.
  • Wreckage of an Israeli [[A-4 Skyhawk]] on display in Egypt's war museum.
  • An Israeli [[M48 Patton]] captured by Egyptian forces
  • An Israeli [[Centurion tank]] operating in the Sinai
  • access-date=June 3, 2016}}</ref>
  • A plaque commemorating the supply of eight [[East German Air Force]] MiG-21s to Syria during the war, on display at the Flugplatzmuseum [[Cottbus]]
  • A destroyed Israeli [[M48 Patton]] tanks on the banks of the Suez Canal
  • Mirage III]] shot down by an Egyptian MiG-21
  •  An M60 delivered during [[Operation Nickel Grass]]
  • The aftermath of an Israeli airstrike on the Syrian General Staff headquarters in [[Damascus]]
  • dogfight over Sharm el-Sheikh]]
  • Abandoned Syrian [[T-62]] tanks on the Golan Heights
  • Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister [[Menachem Begin]] acknowledge applause during a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., during which President [[Jimmy Carter]] announced the results of the [[Camp David Accords]], September 18, 1978.
  • An Israeli [[Centurion tank]]. It was considered in many respects superior to the Soviet [[T-54]]/55.<ref>Insight Team of the London ''Sunday Times'', pp. 291–293.</ref>
  •  An Israeli soldier on the road to [[Ismailia]]
  • A Syrian Styx missile fired at an Israeli missile boat
  • An abandoned Syrian [[T-55]] tank on the Golan Heights
  • Israeli artillery pounds Syrian forces near the [[Valley of Tears]]
  • UN Emergency Forces at Kilometre 101, November 1973
  • A knocked-out Egyptian tank
  • #A08070}}.
October war; Ramadan War; 1973 Yom Kippur War; Fourth Arab-Israeli War; Arab-Israeli War of 1973; Yom Kippur war; October War; Yom Kipur War; 1973 Arab-Israeli War; 1973 October War; Battle of Sinai; Arab-Israeli conflict of October 6–October 24, 1973; 1973 Arab Israeli War; Arab-Israeli War 1973; 1973 Arab-Israeli war; 1973 Invasion of Israel; Yom HaKipurim War; Yom hakipurim war; Badr Operation; 6th october war; 6th October war; 6th October War; 1973 Middle East War; Yom Kippor War; Yom-Kippur War; Arab-Israeli conflict of October 6-October 24, 1973; מלחמת יום הכיפורים; Milkhemet Yom HaKipurim; מלחמת יום כיפור; Milkhemet Yom Kipur; حرب أكتوبر; Ħarb October; حرب تشرين; Ħarb Tishrin; October War of 1973; October 1973 War; October 1973 war; Syrian Front (Yom Kippur War); Yom kippur war; The Yom Kippur War; The October War; 1973 War between Egypt and Israel; Yom Kippur War/October War; Israeli Airlift of 1973; 1973 Israeli-Arab war; 1973 Arab-Israeli (Yom Kippur) War; 1973 Arab–Israeli War; Fourth Arab–Israeli War; 6th of October war; Ramadan war; War of Ramadan; Ḥarb ʾUktōbar; Ḥarb Tišrīn; Milẖemet Yom HaKipurim; Milẖemet Yom Kipur; Tishreen Liberation Day; Kippur War; Casualties of the Yom Kippur War; Arab-Israeli war of 1973; 1973 War
de Oktoberoorlog (Yom Kippoer-oorlog, uitgebroken in 1973 tussen Israël, Syrië en Egypte)
tug of war         
  • Tug of war competition in [[1904 Summer Olympics]]
  • devas]] to left and right, and [[apsaras]] and [[Indra]] above.</ref> ([[Angkor Wat]], Cambodia)
  • A tug of war in [[Japan]] from "[[Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga]]" (Animal-person Caricatures) 12-13th century
  • 2004 Greek Week Puddle Pull at [[Miami University]]
  • Tug of war as a religious ritual in Japan, drawn in the 18th century. It is still seen in [[Osaka]] every January.
  • [[Harvard]] Tug of War team, 1888
  • Tug of war at the [[Highland Games]] in [[Stirling]]
  • Inter-house sports- tug of war
  • Naha's annual Otsunahiki (giant tug-of-war) has its roots in a centuries-old local custom. It is the biggest among Japan's traditional tugs of war.
  • Indonesian Independence Day]]
  • The Dutch team at the 2006 World Championships
  • Women in a tug of war, at the annual [[Pushkar Fair]], [[Rajasthan]], [[India]]
Rope pulling; Tug-of-War; Tug-of-war; Tug-o-war; Tug Of War; Tug o' war; Tug war; Rope jousting; Tug of War; Rope Jousting; Tug O War; Rope war; Tugging war; Puddle Pull
touwtrekken (wedstrijd voor krachtmeting; trekken aan twee kanten v.h. touw om te bepalen wie het sterkste is)
Cold War         
  • The [[Pan-European Picnic]] took place in August 1989 on the Hungarian-Austrian border.
  • invasion of Czechoslovakia]] by the Soviet Union in 1968 was one of the biggest military operations on European soil since [[World War II]].
  • Kamenev]] celebrating the second anniversary of the [[October Revolution]]
  • NATO and Warsaw Pact troop strengths in Europe in 1959
  • A manifestation of the [[Finlandization]] period: in April 1970, a Finnish stamp was issued in honor of the 100th anniversary of [[Vladimir Lenin]]'s birth and the Lenin Symposium held in [[Tampere]]. The stamp was the first Finnish stamp issued about a foreign person.
  • NATO and Warsaw Pact troop strengths in Europe in 1973
  • Iranian people protesting against the [[Pahlavi dynasty]], during the [[Iranian Revolution]]
  • 300px
  • Destroyed statue of Lenin]] in [[Zhytomyr]] on 21 February 2014 during the [[Euromaidan]] protests
  • 300px
  • American Relief Administration operations in Russia, 1922
  • August Coup]] in [[Moscow]], 1991
  • The human chain in [[Lithuania]] during the [[Baltic Way]], 23 August 1989
  • 300px
  • US combat operations during the [[Battle of Ia Drang]], [[South Vietnam]], November 1965
  • East German dictator [[Erich Honecker]] lost control in August 1989.
  • The beginning of the 1990s brought a thaw in relations between the superpowers.
  • reached the Moon]] in 1969.
  • Tempelhof Airport]] in Berlin during the Berlin Blockade
  • Pushkin Square]], pictured in 1991
  • SALT II arms limitation treaty]] in Vienna on 18 June 1979.
  • [[Che Guevara]] (left) and [[Fidel Castro]] (right) in 1961
  • The world map of military alliances in 1980
  • 300px
  • Changes in national boundaries after the end of the Cold War
  • European [[colonial empire]]s in Asia and Africa all collapsed in the years after 1945.
  • Cuban tank in the streets of [[Luanda]], [[Angola]], 1976
  • spy aircraft]], 1 November 1962
  • Post-war territorial changes in Europe and the formation of the Eastern Bloc, the so-called "[[Iron Curtain]]"
  • expanded eastwards]] into the former Warsaw Pact and parts of the former Soviet Union.
  • Egyptian leader [[Anwar Sadat]] with Henry Kissinger in 1975
  • August Coup]]
  • USS ''Mt. McKinley'']], 15 September 1950.
  • 300px
  • 300px
  • US Marines]] engaged in street fighting during the liberation of [[Seoul]], September 1950
  • [[Mao Zedong]] and [[Joseph Stalin]] in Moscow, December 1949
  • Allied occupation zones in Germany]]
  • U.S. [[Lend Lease]] shipments to the USSR
  • [[Nikolai Podgorny]] visiting [[Tampere]], [[Finland]] on 16 October 1969
  • [[Otto von Habsburg]], who played a leading role in opening the Iron Curtain
  • Protest in Amsterdam against the deployment of [[Pershing II]] missiles in Europe, 1981
  • 300px
  • [[Mao Zedong]] and US President [[Richard Nixon]], during his visit in [[China]]
  • [[Mikhail Gorbachev]] in one-to-one discussions with US President [[Ronald Reagan]]
  • "[[Tear down this wall!]]" speech: Reagan speaking in front of the [[Brandenburg Gate]], 12 June 1987
  • President Reagan with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher during a working luncheon at [[Camp David]], December 1984
  • The [[Battle of Stalingrad]], considered by many historians as a decisive turning point of World War II
  • INF Treaty]] at the White House, 1987.
  • President Reagan publicizes his support by meeting with [[Afghan mujahideen]] leaders in the White House, 1983.
  • Chilean leader [[Augusto Pinochet]] shaking hands with Henry Kissinger in 1976
  • Delta 183 launch vehicle lifts off, carrying the [[Strategic Defense Initiative]] sensor experiment "Delta Star".
  • Non-socialist states}}
  • regime]] led by [[Pol Pot]], 1.5 to 2 million people died due to the policies of his four-year premiership.
  • The Soviet invasion during [[Operation Storm-333]] on 26 December 1979
  • influence]], after the [[Cuban Revolution]] of 1959 and before the official [[Sino-Soviet split]] of 1961
  • [[Suharto]] of Indonesia attending funeral of five generals slain in [[30 September Movement]], 2 October 1965
  • confer]] in Tehran, 1943
  • Republic of the Congo]]
  • The [[Spasskaya Tower]] had kept its red star and did not restore the two-headed eagle present before communist takeover.
  • [[Clement Attlee]], [[Harry S. Truman]] and [[Joseph Stalin]] at the [[Potsdam Conference]], 1945
  • President Truman signs the [[North Atlantic Treaty]] with guests in the Oval Office.
  • 300px
  • After ten-year-old American [[Samantha Smith]] wrote a letter to [[Yuri Andropov]] expressing her fear of nuclear war, Andropov invited Smith to the Soviet Union.
  • 300px
  • American tanks]] face each other at [[Checkpoint Charlie]] during the Berlin Crisis of 1961.
  • US and USSR/Russian nuclear weapons stockpiles, 1945–2006
  • Finnish president]] [[Urho Kekkonen]] at Moscow in 1960
  • 300px
  • Allied]] troops in [[Vladivostok]], August 1918, during the [[Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War]]
  • Big Three]]" at the [[Yalta Conference]]: [[Winston Churchill]], [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]], and [[Joseph Stalin]], 1945
  • Remains of the "Iron Curtain" in the [[Czech Republic]]
ColdWar; Cold War (1962-1991); The Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s; The Cold War since 1970; Cold war history; Cold war era; Forty-Five Years' War; End of the Cold War (1962-1991); Cold warrior; The cold war; COLD WAR; Cold War (1969-1979); Cold war; The Cold War; Холодная война; Cold Warrior; Western europe during the cold war; Cold-war; Soviet american war; Guerra fria; Drop and cover; Cold War era; Холо́дная война; Kholodnaya voyna; Cold War period; Hot Peace; The Great Game II; History of the Cold War; Cold War I; Old Cold War; First Cold War; 1st Cold War; Cold War 1.0; Cold War One; Cold-War; Confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union; Capitalist-Communist War
de Koude Oorlog (de vijandige verhoudingen die zich na de Tweede Wereldoorlog ontwikkelden tussen de USA en haar bondgenoten en de Sovjet-Unie en haar bondgenoten)


war crime
1) to commit a war crime
2) to prosecute war crimes


Thirty Years' War

The Thirty Years' War was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European history, lasting from 1618 to 1648. Fought primarily in Central Europe, an estimated 4.5 to 8 million soldiers and civilians died as a result of battle, famine, and disease, while some areas of what is now modern Germany experienced population declines of over 50%. Related conflicts include the Eighty Years' War, the War of the Mantuan Succession, the Franco-Spanish War, the Dutch-Portuguese War and the Portuguese Restoration War.

Until the 20th century, historians generally viewed the war as a continuation of the religious struggle initiated by the 16th-century Reformation within the Holy Roman Empire. The 1555 Peace of Augsburg attempted to resolve this by dividing the Empire into Lutheran and Catholic states, but over the next 50 years the expansion of Protestantism beyond these boundaries destabilised the settlement. While most modern commentators accept that differences over religion and Imperial authority were important factors in causing the war, they argue its scope and extent were driven by the contest for European dominance between Habsburg-ruled Spain and Austria, and the French House of Bourbon.

Its outbreak is generally traced to 1618, when Emperor Ferdinand II was deposed as king of Bohemia and replaced by the Protestant Frederick V of the Palatinate. Although Imperial forces quickly suppressed the Bohemian Revolt, his participation expanded the fighting into the Palatinate, whose strategic importance drew in the Dutch Republic and Spain, then engaged in the Eighty Years' War. Since rulers like Christian IV of Denmark and Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden also held territories within the Empire, this gave them and other foreign powers an excuse to intervene, turning an internal dynastic dispute into a broader European conflict.

The first phase from 1618 until 1635 was primarily a civil war between German members of the Holy Roman Empire, with support from external powers. After 1635, the Empire became one theatre in a wider struggle between France, supported by Sweden, and Emperor Ferdinand III, allied with Spain. This concluded with the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, whose provisions included greater autonomy within the Empire for states like Bavaria and Saxony, as well as acceptance of Dutch independence by Spain. By weakening the Habsburgs relative to France, the conflict altered the European balance of power and set the stage for the wars of Louis XIV.

Esempi di pronuncia per Thirty Years" War
1. the Thirty Years' War. All right,
2. Before Thirty Years' War, there was no notion like that.
Innovations Pushing Boundaries _ Slava Vakarchuk _ Talks at Google
3. of a former order, was a Thirty Years' War in Europe,
Innovations Pushing Boundaries _ Slava Vakarchuk _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per Thirty Years" War
1. At no time in the thirty years war has there been hatred between the people.
2. I tried to get as much as possible advantages out of that situation.‘ She read about the Thirty Years War.
3. Millions of people perished in the Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants in the 17th century.
4. Over the centuries the same ground would be strewn with the gore of the Hundred Years War, the Thirty Years War, the Napoleonic wars, the Franco–Prussian War, World War I and World War II.
5. That treaty, which brought to an end the Thirty Years war and inaugurated the modern European state system, also concluded that one state should only take up arms against another and intervene in its affairs if it were itself to be attacked by that state.